Thanks for your interest in Mi Little Pad, we’d love to have you on board! I will give you a call soon to discuss any questions you might have or you can reach me on 07704 991962 if that's easier. In the meantime, here’s a little more information about the clubs in general.
The club runs for an hour after school once a week. There is a scheme of work produced for each half term and a youtube video produced each week to guide the children through the learning in a fun way. If you visit our website and look at the LEADERBOARD page that should give you a feel for how the inter school competition is organised and also give you an idea of some of the fantastic creations that the children come up with.
The cost to parents is £3.99 per child per session and is paid half termly in advance online. We usually pay for 10-15 Minecraft PE software licenses but many schools allow children to bring their own tablets as well and that can boost the numbers to 25 or so! If the school doesn’t have tablets but does have laptops or desktop computers running Windows 10, we can pay for the same number of Minecraft Education edition licenses for you. For tablets, we also supply a specially configured router so the children can ‘join worlds’ to work in groups without the e-safety issues associated with going online.
Years 3,4 and 5 seem to be the real hotspots at the moment but we have plenty of oversubscribed yr2 clubs and some very keen yr6s also!
Generally speaking our clubs are run by TAs or similar that already work at the school.. we train them up and pay £15-£20/hr for running the clubs. We find this works really well as the staff can take those skills back into the classroom.. win/win :-) Training only takes about an hour and is completed through videos that you receive once you have registered with us so can be looked at at your convenience.
This way of working has become so popular that we even have some Headteachers offering to run the clubs!
Kind regards,
Robin Daniels
01633 383211 (option 1)