Mi Little Pad Ltd
Merlin House, Langstone Business Park, Newport NP18 2HJ
T:01633 383211
Our team are at your disposal and although we have a general office number, you might find it more helpful to contact the relevant person directly.
Booking / Ticket Issue
If you're having issues booking or a problem with your ticket, please get in contact via the email address below.
Get in
Marketing and Finance Manager
Molly manages many aspects of Micreation and is the best person to contact if you need any help with invoicing.
(if you're a school)
Sales and Marketing
Andrew is the first port of call for bringing on new clubs to new schools. He also manages ticket sales. He is the one to contact if you have a club set up in your school and you need your school's information updated on the website.
(if you're a school)
01633 383211 - option 1
Robin deals with parent queries, helps existing schools and organises club dates for schools. He is the best person to contact if you have any queries about our clubs.
(if you're a school)
01633 383211 - option 1
Head of Logistics BALLB (Hons)
Sales and Marketing
Sam is the first port of call for bringing on new clubs to new schools. He is the one to contact if you are thinking of setting up a Minecraft club at your school and need more info.
(if you're a school)
01633 383211 - option 1
If you are a parent looking to get in touch, please contact us via:
and we will get back to you as as soon as we can.
Telephone: 01633 383211 • Email:
Address: Merlin House, Langstone Business Park, Newport, South Wales, United Kingdom
100s of iPads
for students to use!